Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 1! What do you regret the most?

Okay day 1! Lets see how this goes, so the question is...
What do you regret the most?
I have to say I don't truly regret anything because everything I went through has made me into the person I am today. However, looking back I would have liked to have known things ahead of time so I could have avoided heartache or even heartbreak. I would never wish to not have met many of the young men I have met on this road called life, but I do wish, sometimes, that I hadn't had fallen so blindly for them when they so obviously did not deserve it. Although because of them, I have learned to guard my heart and not fall to blindly, until I know someone will catch me. Thanks to them I now know for sure and can trust my boyfriend, *the ninja and trust that when I fall, he'll be there to catch me. Did that answer the question? I hope so.
XOXO, Leah Lolita

Sherbet, Pink, Photography. Love XOXO. 26 Aug. 2006. JPEG file.


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