Monday, October 29, 2012

Daily Dose : A Few of My Favorites

I thought I'd do a little update on some of my personal favorites when it comes to music for today's Double D. I love music with a passion and my taste spans a pretty wide selection. The picture is actually a portion of my personal collection of vinyl, with my proud purchase/find of Elvis Blue Hawaii which I just love! Now, on with the questions! Enjoy!

My Favorite Song - This changes regularly as I discover new music and rediscover something I haven't heard in a long time, but I'd have to say currently, When You Wish Upon A Star by the talented Billy Joel.

A Song That Makes You Happy - Rats! The last song fits that description too, but I'd have to say Don't Worry Baby by The Beach Boys has been a song that is filled with happy memories and always makes me smile whenever I hear it. My dad loves The Beach Boys, so I grew up listening to them every year when the weather begins to get warm. I'm reminded of going to the hometown races, car shows and driving around in the summer time with my dad. Plus, I've always wanted to be the girl they were singing about, she sounds like a great catch!

A Song That Makes Me Sad - While Snuff by the mask wearing metal band Slipknot is one of my consistent favorites, it also makes me feel very sad. This is a completely different sound then what the band normally sounds like, which I think is one of the reason why I like it. But never the less, its a very sad, rainy day sounding song. I feel very reflective when I listen to this.

A Song That Reminds You Of Someone - All music reminds me of something (person, place, event, ect.), so this isn't easy to choose, but Billy Joel's Lullaby (Goodnight My Angel) reminds me of my boyfriend. It be just as well that his voice would be playing through the speakers when this song plays. He sang it to me once and its stayed with me as I've journeyed away from, but only temporally. It's a true favorite of mine and is like submerging yourself into a wonderfully warm bath. It feels good and comforting all over.

A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere - Up until recently I lived in a little town outside of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The 'historical' portion of the town always felt bewitching and old spirited to me. Long before I had heard the music, or seen the movie this song encompasses just how I felt when I walked down those streets, or went into the old antique stores. Mechanical Lullaby from the movie Coraline, every time I hear it even now I feel myself being almost drawn back to the  library, the 'Scooby-Doo House' and the wonderful small graveyard.

A Song That Remind You Of A Certain Event  - Saint Simon by The Shins, was a sample song on my dad's laptop when I first moved down south and before we had really unpacked, I had a small cot in my bedroom and would play this song along with some Switchfoot songs I had already put on the computer. I think I have this song to thank for my mentioned above feelings on the town I lived in for almost six years.

A Song You Know All The Words To - Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides. I can sing the song practically in my sleep. I went through a phase where I loved this song and only this song. No others could compare to this 'musical masterpiece'. Surprisingly its stuck with me ever since. I still love the band and went to see them live with my dear mother for my 16th, birthday and I owe her big time!

A Song That You Can Dance To - Any song I can dance, it just happens. (Even if its a genre I do not care for. i.e. rap, hip hop, pop, ect) But to save myself from looking any more strange then I naturally have to, In The Mood by Glenn Miller always gets me to move.

A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep -Anything Danny Elfman did for Alice In Wonderland or anything Tchaikovsky did will help me sleep peacefully. It is not because I find the works to be boring, but I find them great food for my imagination and before I know it I'm off dreaming wonderful dreams. The White Stripes has the same effect, but we'll get into that a little later.

A Song From Your Favorite Band - I adore The White Stripes and it broke my musical heart when I heard they had broken up. But all good things must come to end one day I suppose. One of my many favorites is Walking With A Ghost.

And on that note I will leave you with these lovelys to fall in love with and I'll return with a part two soon enough! Check out all the links and more music by the artists or composers mentioned and comment down below on your answers to these questions!


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