Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 - My Favorite Book Character
While Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is my favorite book, Kelly Armstrong's Chole Suanders is by far one of my favorite fictional characters. I love this trilogy and it is without question a close second when it comes to some of my favorite books. As you will discover by reading these books, Chloe can talk and see dead people, however that isn't why I connect with her. I connect with her because like me at her age I wasn't sure who I was really supposed to be. Sure signs and events pointed this way and that way, but nothing really forced me to be anything except a general outline guiding me. This trilogy is a great series that I would strongly recommend, however the fourth book written in this series I'm not a big fan of because it isn't about the characters that she built us to know and love, but I would still recommend checking it out if you have a chance.
Leah Lolita


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