Friday, December 14, 2012

25 Day iPod Challenge - Day 1

Song Title: The Vacation Song - Shane Dawson

   Question: Describe Yourself.
Well as you might have noticed is that I love vintage clothing and Old Hollywood style. I feel most at home in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and I can't stand living here in the mountains now. The air isn't as clean and its much colder then this body is used to leaving me to catch a lot of colds and headaches. I'm a senior in high school, but I'm not really sure college is for me next year. I have hopes of becoming a stylist for women because I want to make everyone woman feel happy and comfortable in her own skin. While this is such an odd song to have to kick off this challenge, considering my normal taste, lets just hope this isn't an omen for the rest of the challenge.
Leah Lolita


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